Friday, April 26, 2013

Charmed Again's NEW COVER

So Lindy Zart released a new cover for Charmed Again, the second book in her Charmed Trilogy yesterday! Now I'm going to share it with you (Yay me!) Without further ado (I'll be rambling again shortly) here you go fellow bookies:

Once a Manang: a half-man, half-angel, now a full angel, Creed has darkness in him that threatens to take him over. If it succeeds, he will be forever lost. 

One woman has the power to take away the darkness, but she is held captive by an evil Creed alone can save her from. He only has to save himself first.

**I really like how you can see the relation between the cover and the story just by reading the synopsis and it leaves room for your imagination to wonder. Another thing I liked was the pair of wings at the top symbolizing book two**

<3 Another point I'd like to mention is that all her books have 5 star ratings on both sites. <3

Happy Reading Bookies!!!

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